Friday, October 22, 2010

Torres, Alcala de Henares y Churros con Chocolate

So, last Thursday my art of toledo class was me and some other americanos went and found the towers that we need to write about for our paper. When we got to the first tower it had a "for rent" sign on it and had trash laying in front of the door...we thought it was strange that our teacher was having us write a paper on a tower that looked so trashy and had been turned into an apartment building but we saw some arcos and thought this must be it. So we spent about 10 minutes taking pictures for our paper and when we started walking up the street to Plaza de Zocodover we turned around to look at the cathedral tower which looked really pretty and noticed another tower right next the one we had been taking pictures of....we had been taking pictures of some random building this whole time. Naturally we now understood all of the strange looks. We visited 5 more towers and called it a day. I put some pics below, they all look the same so dont get too excited lol:

The tower that we almost put down in our paper as an apt building


This one had the best location in my opinion

Arcos de Herradura, un Alfiz, Rodeada de Ladrillo y Mamposteria Encintada : ) I am so ready for this midterm on Thursday

Told you they all look the same

Friday I went to Alcala de Henares, which is about 15 minutes north of Madrid, for a day excursion with my school. It was freezing that day and none of us were prepared. I only had my light white sweatshirt...but luckily i decided to wear my jeans and boots that day :). First we toured the first university in Spain. It was very old looking, and had a lot of patios. There was this one room we went in which I thought was absolutely gorgeous! would not mind having class in there. Unfortunately the university is only for tours now and doesnt actually hold classes.

After the university we went to a famous comedy club and theater. We got to tour it and went below and looked at all the fun props like the barrel that if you turn it make it sound like its thundering. We went upstairs where the women and men had to sit in separate sections. The women got the center seats and the guys sat on the side. After that we had free time...we found the house of Miguel Cervantes, writer of Don Quijote, and found a tienda that had adorable scarves. I got two.

 Then we went to go eat. The dinner was super nice. We got three courses...and of course pan! We got lasagna, a dish that reminded me of moms crockpot meals :) , and desert was something weird, it had a squishy texture so i only ate the chocolate part which didnt have that texture. Then we boarded on the bus and headed back. About an hour into the bus ride home im talking to my friend anna and across the aisle i see one of the guys stand up and puke into the garbage can in front of him. He was lucky and was sitting in spot with the back door stairs and a garbage can. It was really gross though. Then other people started throwing up because of the smell. So we stopped the bus and everyone had to get out. We sat in a park for about a half an hour. Then the bus came back and picked us up...all cleaned up.  There are pictures below...of the day not of the vomit ;) :

A model of the city

Entrance to the University

Just chillin with Don and Sancho in front of Miguels house

Eating our Delicious Dinner

                                                          The pretty room at the University
Thunder noise maker

On Sunday I woke up and woke up to the nice surprise of going out for churros and chocolate with my family! It was absolutely delicious and an awesome start to midterms week :)

and that was the week of the 10-17 in a nutshell :)

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