Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Madridejos....bringing back the memories

Bahh ok sooooo so behind on the whole blog thing but here goes some catch up time...

So 2 weekends ago I decided to take a little trip to my old stomping grounds of Madridejos to visit my old host family. Since there are only 2 buses that run there per day from Toledo I caught the later one at 5:30 hoping to make it there by 6:30. Unfortunately, the bus was late by a half hour...so my host sister and my host mom had to wait at the station for me. When i got there they drove me to their house. It was exactly as I remembered it. The only difference was that they had gotten a dining room table. It brought back wonderful high school memories of saying si to everything and not understanding a word they said. Fortunately, this time around I could actually converse with them...it was fantastic. They even said that they were happy they could finally speak to me and that I could speak back.

 So after I first got there I went with my 2 old host sisters to pick up my old little host brother (who is now 10) from a bday party. Then we came back and changed and got cute and went to the dining room where they had a welcome dinner for me with all of her friends who I had met last time I was there. We ate delicous food like pizza and spanish tortilla. I had a wonderful night speaking spanish and catching up. The next day I helped my old host sister with her pharmacy school english homework and she helped me with my spanish homework...it was the perfect trade off. Then the scariest part of the entire day happened.......LUNCH!

I had never told my old host family about my fear of seafood and fish because it was only 5 days and I sucked it up....soooooo they made the worst possible thing they could for me, paella with gigantic pieces of god know what kind of monstrous seafood pieces. Being a champ i ate it.......but it took all i had not to throw it up. After all of this I caught the bus home after a wonderful weekend (well except for the ending that is). Here are some pics:

Me and some of the girls

Me, my old host sister, and the only two girls I didnt know

All of the girls

Amelia my old host sister and me

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