Friday, November 5, 2010

Italy Day 3: Florence

The next day we headed out to Florence...after missing the first train we caught the second and we were off. Our hostel in Florence was very cute...we got a room just to ourselves and Leonardo, the owner, was very nice. He showed us all of the tourist sites on a map so we wouldn't get confused and thus we headed out to see what Florence had to offer.  Florence had a very artsy atmosphere, there was seriously some amazing work of art around every corner....i mean literally ever corner. I think if I had grown up in Florence I would now be able to draw amazing portraits and paint fruit instead of my wonderful stick figure drawings. It think I would at least be able to stay in the lines (just kidding I can do that now...most of the time). Anyways moving on...first we headed to see what else but The David!  The David, for those of you who don't know, is a gigantic statue (seriously he's 17 ft tall...thats 3 of me!) of know from David and Goliath...the guy with the sling shot, yep that David. David was absolutely amazing! The details down to the veins in his arms and the wrinkles on his face, hands, and his knuckles were so intricate. It astounds me that Michelangelo was able to carve all of that from a single block of stone....just another reason I am now in love with Michel.

 The museum with the David didn't have much else to offer so after that we headed out to the Duomo and on the way bumped into the plaza where the David used to be held, which is basically like an outdoor museum of amazing sculptures, including a copy of the David. See what I mean about Florence being all artistic...I don't see sculptures of Poseidon on the streets of do I? Anywho after admiring the many statues we moved on and finally we found the Duomo. The outside was had beautiful architecture and I loved the colors. There was a gold door...yep a door made out of telling you these Italian Catholics and their Duomos, they are crazy! I guess the gold door is quite famous...I of course had no clue. Next, we went inside. The inside was much more plain than the outside but it was huge! We lit some candles to say a prayer for someone and put it on the candle things. After walking around the Cathedral and taking pictures we went to the bridge.

There is a bridge in Florence that has houses on it! Can you imagine just being like "oh hey yeah I just live on that bridge over there...yeah the 3rd house from the left, yeah that one". I mean who thinks to build a house on a bridge? So crazy! After that we went to the marketplace and ran into the other group from the fund that was there. It was fun to see them and do a little shopping with them. They told us about how they saw us miss the train....they were on it. Ha we had a good laugh over it. After dinner we headed to bed. Ready to face another day :).

Here are some pics:

The Duomo (thats Catedral for all you hispanohiblantes...and Catedral
is Cathedral for all you lame english speakers)

I guess this pure gold door is famous or something...
who knows what those Italian Catholics are up to

I said a little prayer for you...if you are lucky chosen one that is

Ceiling in the Duomo...Gorgeous

So big!

Craziness...thats all I've got to say!

Free outdoor statue museum on the plaza...yes please!

The Copy of David (we are not allowed to take pics of the real one...
seriously those museum police were more strict than the Vatican police.
You dont hassle with the David (the Hoff or the statue).

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