Saturday, November 6, 2010

Total Eclipse of the Heart...Milan Day 5 in Italy

So we headed out to Milan. It was raining very hard the whole time we were there...but we managed to brave the rain for a few hours to get some of the important sightseeing done. First we saw the Cathedral...which happened to be conveniently right next to the major Shopping center. The Cathedral was gorgeous but to get out of the rain we decided to do what else but go shopping! Claro! Well when we first got there we saw a Mercedes Benz store...there were no cars in the entire store only clothes and gloves. Who knew Mercedes Benz had a clothing line. The only store we actually set foot inside was Louis Vuitton. We tried to check out the prices...even the scarves didnt have prices on them, it scared me. After that we got gelato...Claro and decided to check out the Castle.

We saw the outside of the Castle but were too cold and wet to go any further and decided to get some Roasted Chestnuts to warm up and then we headed back to the hostel where we took a nice nap before heading out to dinner.  I had delicous Gnocchi and Pesto. It was fabulous. The next morning we headed to the airport :( it was quite sad.


Trying out the designer sunglasses

Shopping Center


Inside the Shopping Center

Mercedes Benz Store...who knew they had a clothing line


We wore our hoods all day...silly rain should have gone away


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