Saturday, November 6, 2010

Oh ya know just a little day trip to Sienna Italy nbd Day 4

We woke up the next morning and decided to take a day trip to where else but...Venice! So we headed to the train station ready to purchase some tickets and go...unfortunately we discovered that every single train for the day and by every single train I mean EVERY single train had been booked for the day to Venice, so we started debating places to go. Verona to see some Romeo and Juliet sites? nope. Pisa to see the tower? Although very cheap, nope.  Tuscan Countryside? Yes please, but no trains go out there. Closest city to the Tuscan Countryside, Sienna? Yes Please! So off we went to Sienna, not really knowing what to expect.

When we get there we walked out of the train station and found the closest bus stop. Then asked some Italian high schooler who barely knew how to speak english what bus takes us to city center. Through hand gestures and his broken english and our spanish that is closer to italian than english is...we finally deciphered that it was the 77. So we finally made it to the center of Sienna, so what did we do naturally but started exploring.

What is Sienna Italy like you ask? Well I think that the best way to describe Sienna is that it is sort of like the Toledo of Italy. It has a little bit of a different feel than the other cities in Italy, a more homey feel, a comforting feel. We found gorgeous streets and beautiful views. But we knew there had to be something more to this town, right? We were distraught at what to do and started contemplating following random groups of people around like stalkers when suddenly a miraculous thing occured....we heard people talking english, no not broken italian english, not even england english, but AMERICAN ENGLISH!

It turned out to be the absolute most adorable newlyweds on their honeymoon. They were from New York and this was their last stop on their Italian honeymoon before returning home. They were so sweet and gave us directions to this Cathedral that they said was amazing. So we found the Cathedral and I have to say I have not seen a more beautiful Cathedral in my entire life (and lets face it after this trip I've seen a lot of Cathedrals). You can look at the pictures below and you will se why. I am not even going to try to describe it...I would not do it justice.

So after being amazed by our 3 Euro...thats right I said only 3 euro...entrance into the Cathedral we decided to get some pizza before heading out from Sienna to go to Milan. So we found this amazing plaza that sloped downward. We got some pizza and headed out. Here are some pics of this gorgeous Italian Pueblo:

The Cathedral

The floor of the Cathedral....Amazing.

Paintings like this were all over the Cathedral

The Altar

The Cieling of the Cathedral

The Ceiling of the Library of the Cathedral

Us in front of the Plaza

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