Thursday, September 16, 2010

Martes, Intercambios Y Mezquitas

On Tuesday I only have one class in the afterward my mom took me out for a mid morning meal :). It was sooo delicious...we went to a little tapas bar and had a potatoe dish that was very rich and was topped with salsa! Afterwards we went to Martes, the big mercadillo (open air market) held every Tuesday in Toledo. It was amazing...all of the prices were soo cheap. One of the new fashions here in Europe is like a romper except the bottoms are pants...I am definitely going to find a cute one to bring back to the states...i just gotta find the right one :). I bought a ton of bufandas from the mercadillo...but that was it. I didnt want to go too wild since I do have every tuesday for the rest of the semester to go there!

Last night we had the Cena de Rompehielos en the Fundacion (my school). It was a dinner to meet people we would like to be intercambios with. An intercambio is a person from Toledo that wants to learn we get together and will talk spanish for an hour and they will correct me and then we speak english for an hour and I correct them. It honestly felt like speed dating and you didnt want to the be only person on the speed dating card not to be picked. I really like my intercambio that I found! She is super cute and peppy...she is an english teacher who lives a little outside of Toledo. She hasnt spoken english with me im curious to see how good she is. We only spoke spanish last night....I emailed her today to set up a time to meet. So I am officially a speed date card winner :) (thanks for introducing us Oscar).

One of the classes I am taking here is an art of Toledo class. Every Thursday we go on a field trip in the morning to a place in Toledo and in the afternoon class we learn about what we saw. This was our first week. We went to a local Mosque that was converted into a church after the Reconquista. It was soo beautiful and small. It was built in 909 by a rich guy. What was really entertaining was the cute baby kitten and its mom that were hiding in the bushes outside of the mosque and the group of like 12 snails that were roaming around. Me gusta! Below are some pictures of the trip to the mosque.

The CeilingPainted on the Ceiling of the part the Christians addedKitten y Mom :)

Snails :)

Fountain Con Gato

a hole in the ground inside the mosque

From the Mosque Garden Wall...This is wear I                                live btw ;)

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