Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Un guido es un tipo de joven de New Jersey....


I decided to start a blog to remember this time in Spain! So here goes. Toledo is sooo gorgeous. The buildings are so old and beautiful. All of the people from Toledo are so nice and helpful when I have to ask for directions because the streets are really confusing.  The views from the city are indescribable and a picture seriously cannot do it justice. I moved in with my host family yesterday! Exciting!!!!!!!! My little 2 year old brother Matias is seriously a little ball of energy...he is absolutely adorable! We went to the park tonight and played together. We played soccer and made a huge mountain in the sand. I also spent some time tonight trying to explain a guido to my host mom...she didnt get it. ha. My mom is from Paraguay and my dad is from my mom made a dish from Paraguay for me today. It was a pasta dish and was absolutely delicious.

hasta luego!


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